Challengers: Love, Tennis, and the Ultimate Showdown
Challengers follows Tashi (Zendaya), a former tennis prodigy turned coach, who is married to Art (Mike Faist), a champion on a losing streak. Determined to redeem her husband's game, Tashi devises a strategy that pits him against Patrick (Josh O'Connor), a rising star with whom Tashi has a longstanding rivalry.
Release Information
Challengers will hit theaters on April 26, 2023.
Streaming Availability
As of now, there is no set date for when Challengers will be available to stream. However, it will be exclusive to theaters upon its release.
Two trailers for Challengers have been released. The first trailer gives a glimpse into the love triangle between Tashi, Art, and Patrick. The second trailer, which provides more depth into the characters and their motivations, is available on Zendaya's Instagram account.