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Artificial Intelligence European Union

The EU's Regulatory Framework for AI: Ensuring Trustworthy AI Systems


In April 2021, the European Commission proposed the first EU regulatory framework for AI, known as the AI Act. This landmark legislation aims to ensure the development and deployment of trustworthy AI systems that respect fundamental rights and values.

Key Provisions of the AI Act

* Risk-based approach: The AI Act classifies AI systems into four risk categories (minimal, low, high, unacceptable) and imposes different requirements based on the level of risk. * Transparency and accountability: Developers and users of AI systems must provide clear information about the system's capabilities, limitations, and potential risks. * Human oversight: High-risk AI systems must be subject to human oversight to mitigate potential risks and ensure responsible use. * Prohibition of certain uses: The AI Act prohibits the development and use of AI systems for certain purposes, such as social scoring or mass surveillance. * Enforcement and sanctions: Member States will be responsible for enforcing the AI Act and imposing sanctions for non-compliance.

Implementation and Timeline

The AI Act is expected to enter into force in 2024. Member States will have two years to transpose the directive into national law. The European AI Office will play a key role in implementing the AI Act and providing guidance to stakeholders.

Benefits of the AI Act

The AI Act is expected to bring several benefits, including: * Increased trust and confidence in AI systems * Protection of fundamental rights and values * Foster innovation and responsible development of AI * Harmonization of AI regulations across the EU


The EU's regulatory framework for AI represents a significant step towards ensuring the safe and ethical development and deployment of AI systems. By balancing innovation with risk mitigation, the AI Act aims to unlock the full potential of AI while upholding European values and protecting citizens' rights.
